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Ring, ring ___! : quen rima? / [texto] Ana María Fernández ; [ilustracións] Enrique López

by Fernández, Ana María; LoÌpez LoÌpez, Enrique; FernaÌndez, Ana MariÌa.
Type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Novas lecturas de Hércules (Hércules de Ediciones).Publisher: A Coruña :Hércules ,2018 Edition: Ed.Description: [52] p :il. cor ;21cm.ISBN: 9788494777097.Subject(s): Rimas -- Cuentos | Literatura Infantil en Galego - Poesía | Literatura Infantil en Galego + 6 anosOnline resources: Click here to access online
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Infantil: 6 - 8 anos

3º-4º Primaria

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