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Kika superbruja e don Quixote da Mancha / Knister ; [ilustraciones, Birgit Rieger ; traducción, Fina Casalderrey]

by Knister; Knister; Knister; Rieger, Birgit; Casalderrey, Fina.
Type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Kika Superbruja (Bruño) ;12.Publisher: Madrid :Bruño ,2006 Edition: 1ª.Description: 143 p. :il. ;21cm.ISBN: 8421697463.Subject(s): Aventuras-Contos | Don Quixote -- Contos | Encantamentos-Contos | Bruxas-Contos | Maxia-ContosOnline resources: Click here to access online
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Tít. orix.: Hexe Lilli und der Ritter auf Zeitreise

3º-4º Primaria

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