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Matilda / Roald Dahl

by Dahl, Roald [Author]; Blake, Quentin [Illustrator]; Barros Taboada, Miguel [Translator].
Type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Xuvenil Alfaguara ;14.Publisher: Madrid :Alfaguara ,1992 Edition: 2ª reimpresión.Description: 230 p :il. br/ng ;22cm.ISBN: 8420453064.Subject(s): Colexio | Humor | Humor | Nenos superdotados -- Novelas | Niños superdotados -- Novelas | Relación pais-fillos -- Novelas | Relación padres - hijos - NovelasOnline resources: Click here to access online
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Infantil 9 a 12 anos

5º-6º Primaria

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