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Estou gordecho : e qué? / Seve Calleja, Jokin Mitxelena

by Calleja, Seve; Valverde, Mikel; Calleja, Seve; Mitxelena, Jokin; Ugidos, Silvia.
Type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: E qué? ;1.Publisher: Vigo :Galaxia ,2000 Edition: 1ª ed.Description: 30 p :il. col ;21cm.ISBN: 8482883720.Subject(s): Diversidade | Valores sociales | Niños | Salud -- COMER, COMER | Narrativa | Galego | Complejos (Psicología) | Obesidad en niños | AutoestimaOnline resources: Click here to access online
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